Sunday, February 18, 2007

boredommm ....

hmm well i was bored and this long weekend was super great can't beleive we ended up getting 6 days off :D super! lol well yh this books pretty sweet i must say but im not guna talk much about school lol.. not like anyones guna read this but whatever :P its flurrying outside i hate the snow fyi haha.. only 40 more days til spring break and 122 days until summer time :D can u tell im excited?
*went to the shore with my sister and some friends for a day during the winter :P its so lonely there, i miss the beach!


kinsella said...

wow sam u r so weird:-p

SAMloveshumanities said...

ryan shut up haha isnt it a pretty beach tho you have to love the jersey shore :)